International Business: what kind of company is it?

More and more people want to move to EU countries. There are many reasons for this. According to reviews, these include finding a better job, getting a better education, living in a more favorable economic and political environment, or simply starting a new life. But changing your plans can be complicated, especially when it comes to obtaining a passport. The immigration process requires specific legal knowledge, intensive document preparation and collection, and foreign language skills.   

International Business is the right organization to help with immigration matters. It employs experienced lawyers who understand the intricacies of international legislation.   

Below you can read more about the services they offer and real reviews of the company. 

Services of International Business 

International Business has been providing immigration services for over a quarter of a century. During this time, the organization has confidently maintained a leading position, generating thousands of satisfied clients. According to reviews, residents of CIS countries can get their help too. The list of services provided by International Business is extensive and includes a wide range of tasks, from analyzing the immigrant’s application to organizing processes such as submitting documents to the competent authorities. 

International Business specialists solve each case individually, based on the goals, wishes and possibilities of a particular client. The company offers about 100 immigration programs to obtain a passport/residence permit in the EU. The lawyers advise on the best immigration options and assist in the preparation of the necessary documents. It is important to note that legal support is available to clients throughout all stages of the immigration process. Although some reviews mention that experts are not always available (e.g. in the evenings or at weekends). Assistance with internal documentation can also be provided after citizenship has been granted. 

Contacting International Business will greatly simplify and speed up the whole relocation process. On the Internet, you can find many positive reviews about the company. 

Reviews about International Business 

When analyzing the reviews of International Business, the company stands out positively. Clients comment on the professionalism of the employees and the real achievement of their targets. The reviews also highlight the fact that the lawyers not only provide advice, but also relieve them of the burden of dealing with documents and even communicating with officials. 

A compilation of reviews 

“I am very grateful to International Business. Thanks to them, I was able to obtain the Romanian citizenship I wanted. I never had to bother collecting documents and learning all the legal peculiarities. They also helped me to obtain important internal documents. I received timely and comprehensive consultations, so I can confidently recommend this firm”.   

Denis, 29 years old  

“I have been living in Poland for a long time and the question of obtaining citizenship was urgent. It was important that the whole process was handled competently and smoothly. After all, everything related to my interaction with state authorities was unwelcome and confusing. International Business helped me to solve the issue. They are real professionals who know their business. A minimum of my involvement was required. I saved a lot of time, and the result was positive, of course”.  

Natalia, 37 years old 

These reviews also demonstrate the professional approach of the lawyers and the speed of their work. A small number of neutral references does not significantly affect the overall rating of the company. 

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