Immigration to Portugal from Russia in 2023

Portugal has become one of the main destinations for Russian immigrants in recent years. The country regularly tops the Work From Wherever Index (an index of the most favorable countries). Many factors are taken into account when compiling the rating:  

  1. Cost of living. In Portugal, the prices of products and services are reasonable. A three-course dinner for two in a restaurant cost around 30 euros; 
  2. Level of medical care. Around 9% of GDP is spent on healthcare. According to the Global Health Expenditure 2020 study, the country ranks 36th in terms of spending. Russia ranks 121st. Medical care in state hospitals is free for both citizens and residents. It is quicker to get an appointment with a doctor in a private clinic. There is also a higher level of service: for example, you can consult with the attending doctor by phone; 
  3. Visa policy. Portugal issues visas for study, work and tourism. You can apply for a residence permit after 2-3 months of uninterrupted stay in the country; 
  4. Internet speed. You will pay around 30 euros for the services of an Internet provider; 
  5. Cultural agenda. Architecture, music, theatre and cinema are all developing at a great rate, so the state has a fairly diverse and large heritage; 
  6. Climate. Portugal has a relatively warm climate. The south is drier, the north-west is rainy and the north-east is characterized by long, warm summers; 
  7. Political stability. There have been no high-profile political scandals, illegal changes of government or revolutions in the country in recent decades; 
  8. Low crime rate. In 2019, Global Finance magazine ranked Portugal as the fourth safest country in the world, and in 2020 it was ranked third in the world’s most peaceful countries. People are friendly and welcoming to immigrants from other countries. 

Immigration programs, documents list 

Immigration programs in Portugal, as in most European Union member states, consist of two levels: short-term and long-term.   

A short-term visa is issued for a maximum of one year for certain purposes, the most common of which are: 

  • Work;  
  • Study;  
  • Voluntary work;  
  • Medical treatment.   

Long-term visas are issued to immigrants who have been in the country for at least 1 year, also for different reasons. The most popular are: 

  • Family reunification;  
  • Refugee;   
  • Business investment. 

Documents for visa application 

Nowadays, immigration from Russia to Portugal is possible with the following documents: 

  1. Application for citizenship;  
  2. Copy of birth certificate;  
  3. Documents confirming kinship with Portuguese citizens (if necessary);  
  4. Passport;  
  5. Income certificate or bank statement;  
  6. At least A2 level of knowledge of the national language.   

The number of documents required may vary depending on the basis on which the immigrant submits an application. 

TRP, PRP and citizenship: comparison 

During immigration, the TRP and PRP offer similar opportunities. The only difference between these statuses is that the temporary residence permit must be renewed every 2 years. In addition, it is only possible to obtain a PRP on the basis of a TRP.  

A temporary residence permit is the better option if you only plan to live in the country for a limited period of time (e.g. for the duration of your studies or work).  

A permanent residence permit is also issued for a fixed period of time, but to keep it it is important to spend more than half a year in the country within 3 years.   

It is possible to obtain citizenship by staying in the country on the basis of a PRP or through a procedure that does not require it. 

Reviews about immigration to Portugal 

When analyzing the reviews about immigration to Portugal, we found mostly positive feedback, such as: 

Отзывы иммигрантов в Португалии

This is not a complete list of reviews from Russians who have immigrated to Portugal. Each day there is an increasing number of people who want to change their lives by immigrating to a more promising country like Portugal. 

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